I had the pleasure of emceeing the 48th annual Ossey Scramble at Tualatin Golf and Country Club Monday night. The scramble is a fundraiser for the Oregon State Men's golf program. Bud Ossey is the host and at the age of 99 was on the 18th hole helping golfers read that sloping green and putting to try and help each foursome's score. Bud loves Oregon State and if you hit the second floor at Gill Coliseum you can find the Bud and Maxine Ossey Golf Center!! (Bud's 100th birthday is coming up in November!) An indoor practice facility for the program which is on the rise thanks to Coach Jon Reehorn and Assistant coach Noah Goldman.
After the scramble was complete I noticed that Spencer Tibbits was at Tualatin. He had a fantastic season at Oregon State. His Sophmore season included an Honorable Mention on the All Pac-12 team and on the all Academic Pac-12 team. His scoring average for the season 71.65 was the sixth best in school history. He also qualified for the United States Open at Pebble Beach. Spencer graciously let me quiz him for a couple of minutes and ya he had an incredible experience on the Monterey Peninsula!!