Photo: FR170363 AP
The Pac-12 is strongly in favor of CFP expansion, and we support all of the six most-discussed expansion models that would allow for expansion to occur in time for the final two years of the current CFP agreement. These six models include:
1. Qualification for the best 12 teams;
2. Automatic qualifications (AQs) for the six highest-rated conference champions and six at-large bids (“6+6”) (the original proposal made by the CFP sub-committee in June of 2021);
3. AQs for the Autonomy Five conferences and one AQ for the highest-ranked Group of Five champion, along with six at-large bids (“5+1+6”);
4. Qualification for the best eight teams;
5. AQs for the six highest-rated conference champions and two at-large bids (“6+2”); and
6. AQs for the Autonomy Five conferences and one AQ for the highest-ranked Group of Five champion, along with two at-large bids (“5+1+2”)
Due to the existing CFP voting structure, to expand beyond the current four-team CFP model during the current CFP agreement term requires unanimous consent of all 11 CFP Board members. It is clear none of the six most-discussed expansion models has unanimous consent, with most having considerable opposition, and every conference other than the Pac-12 has indicated that they would be against at least one of the proposed models.
If all 11 CFP members are unable to agree unanimously on a new format, then no expansion can occur in the current term, and our collective focus must turn to expansion immediately following the current term. The CFP has confirmed that we have another two years before we would need to come to an agreement on an expanded format that could begin immediately after the current term ends.
The Pac-12 will continue to take a solution-oriented and flexible approach to allow for CFP expansion to occur as soon as possible.